Ironic Deep v1.2.2 MacOSX 圖片分析色彩、尺寸與比例測量 英文正式版
破解說明: 請使用core_keygen序號機產生序號
Ironic Deep v1.2.2 MacOSX 圖片分析色彩、尺寸與比例測量 英文正式版
軟體名稱: Ironic Deep V1.2.0 For Mac
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
系統支援: 蘋果電腦 Mac OS X 10.5.5 以上版本至 V10.6(目前已知)
硬體需求: Power PC
軟體類型: 圖片分析色彩、尺寸與比例測量
更新日期: 2009.11.03
軟體發行: Ironic(A_x)
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Ironic 軟體公司開發的Deep 軟體是一套可自動分析色彩的圖片管理、搜尋工具。
Mac OS X用圖片管理工具,可自動分析色彩、圖片尺寸與比例,或是自行以 Tag註
Deep calculates the range of colors used in each of your images by
analyzing the pixels and calculating the most popular colors. This
is what makes the palettes in Deep powerful, you can find images
that have similar colors, which is great when you are looking for
the perfect picture to go on your web site. In fact, just drag any
image on to Deep and it will find and rank all the images on your
computer that are similar.
Ever wonder where that wide banner ad that you designed went? What
about the predominately red image that was huge? Deep lets you
find your images by size or shape. Very handy.
Tag any image. This makes it extremely easy to find images,
regardless of their location. Why hunt through an arcane hierarchy
of folders and files to find the image you want? Deep also reads
any keywords that are associated with an image. Download an image
from and Deep instantly recognizes all its